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Install Add-ons Report.

Current Change Log for Install Add-ons

Current Version : 1.0 Release 3 Installed

Description: The Install Add-ons is a plugin for the Control Panel and allows customers to download and install common plug-ins..

1.0-2 -> 1.0-3 1st Febuary 2007: -Added a new linux section -Updated a few applications -Added skype and a few others.
1.0-1 -> 1.0-2 26th January 2007: -Added a few more programs to windows -Updated a few programs to riscos -Updated a few windows programs
1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 10th February 2005: - Change log added.
-> 1.0.1 December 2004: -Split from the Control Panel creating its own program..

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