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Control Panel Report.

Current Change Log for Control Panel

Current Version : 2.0 Release 1 Installed

Description: The Control Panel allows customers to view and modify configuration information about their website.

2.0-0 -> 2.0-1 3rd October 2004: -Fixed a slight bug in the install script
-Modified all the version numbers.
-Added the Bar Boxes template to the template system, not all colour available
-Fixed bug with non exsisting user files in template system
-Fixed a slight bug in the table layout for the tools section
-Modified small bug in new account script.
-Added a common area available for all websites to use. must include this common area in control panel
-Added new section called "website plugins" although not completly implimented as yet.
-Added blog into website plugins, not available from front end yet.
-Removed the Install Addons, and split into its own RPM.
1.7-5 -> 2.0-0 29th August 2004: -Modified all the templates to improve outlook
-Fixed major bug in email alias editor.
-Reconfigured email alias editor sligtly
-Updated the Install script to fix the disk bug on the status screen
-Fixed a slight bug in the install add-ons
-Added new Password File Manager
1.7-4 -> 1.7-5 25th August 2004: -Fixed a few bugs in the template system, one or two other still remain will look at.
-Removed old legacy backups out of install.
1.7-3 -> 1.7-4 24th August 2004: -Maintenance Release only
-A few modifications to the template system for compatibilitiy
1.7-2 -> 1.7-3 21th August 2004: -Recoded the integrating pages for the template
-re-wrte some pages in the template section
-A few bugs introduced, will have to look at later
1.7-1 -> 1.7-2 21th July 2004: -Bug fixed in the templates script, about feed lines
-Bug introduced about the init script having incorrect permissions.
-Missing upgrade file for the tools script
1.7-0 -> 1.7-1 18th July 2004: -built and added the new templates system.
-Bug fixes in the status, fixed several broken images
1.6-6 -> 1.7-0 5th July 2004: -Added a new section under tools called install addons. Will need modifying.
1.6-5 -> 1.6-6 31th May 2004: -Fixed the Template system, seems to work okay, need build a front end for it.
-Broke the images for the status - fix a few will fix this in the next release.
-Setup the versions for the template section and included the main templates script that will be used.
1.6-4 -> 1.6-5 17th May 2004: -Introduced a "default" directory and moved status into this to reduce the number of symlinks needed
-Integrated template system into default directory, although not completly implimented as yet.
-Rebuilt RPM with new reinstall shell script for easy reinstall of control panel on rouge domains
-Have modified install script to use Server Alias file if exsists. and build a PHP config file for the status section, but this isn't being used yet.
1.6-3 -> 1.6-4 8th May 2004: -Bug fixes - updated the script
-Integrated a few more scripts into Control Panel that were almost lost due to server upgrade.
1.6-2 -> 1.6-3 10th March 2004: -Integrated the Status into the Control Panel. my-hosts_status will now discontinue, details are below
Description :

The RPM contains all the information to provide a basic status window on how the server is operting. This should be used in conjunction with the Accumping Control Panel.

With Thanks to Richard Goodwin

ChangeLog :

Version 1.0 Release 1

Built thew new RPM including all the files required. Based on the version of Richard Goodwin with changes made.
1.6-1 -> 1.6-2 2nd March 2004: -Bug fixed - missing directory from update file
-Added Access to view change log
-Started the integration of the templating system. Not yet available.
1.6-0 -> 1.6-1 2nd March 2004: -Modified the upgrade script to fix the code cabinet
1.51 -> 1.6-0 20th February 2004: -Re-wrote the upgrade system to use flat bed files per section Hopfully this should allow me to update more accuratly sections of the control panel
-Modularised the Control Panel
-> 1.51 24th October 2003: -Anything after this date is recorded in the change log and doesn't appear here.

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Current Report
Report for 2005

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